We’re dedicated to clear, open communication with our manufacturers and distributors. It is our intention to do our very best to represent you and serve your best interests in all our interactions. We will promote your products in such a way that your company will benefit by increased sales and improved relationships with the customers that use them.

We have been in the irrigation industry for more than 35 year’s, starting with working in a family irrigation store, becoming a distributor, then moving into representing manufacturing companies. As a result Golding Sales has a broad range of knowledge and understanding of how the industry works, and how we can help other manufacturers increase there respective profit margins.
It goes without saying that partnerships built on the core values of honesty, trust, respect, and teamwork are needed to build the relationship between distributors and manufacturers representative. Golding Sales has been successful in building those relationships over the years, as the following recommendation demonstrates.
Golding Sales looks forward to the opportunity of becoming a part of your business.